Burn The Witch Japanese Anime Site

TagsFrontend DevelopmentWeb Design

Screen Shots

It's dated June 7, 2019, and has been tagged as related to Frontend Development and Web Design. It provides a link to the official website of the anime "BURN THE WITCH".

There are also three images attached, possibly screenshots of the website or of the work done. These images are stored on a secure AWS S3 server.

An In-depth Look at Anime "Burn The Witch"


Anime has taken over the globe with its beautiful artistry, complex storylines, and memorable characters. Today, we'll take a closer look at an anime that has captured the hearts of many fans - "Burn The Witch". First released in 2019, this series has taken the anime world by storm, with its unique blend of magic, fantasy, and adventure.

Storyline and Characters

"Burn The Witch" takes place in a world where dragons exist, but only a few selected can see them. The story follows two witches, Noel Niihashi and Ninny Spangcole, who protect and manage these unseen dragons in London. The characters are well developed with distinct personalities, creating a dynamic duo that's fun to watch. The plot's complexity and the character's depth set "Burn The Witch" apart from other fantasy anime.

Artwork and Animation

The anime "Burn The Witch" is not just a narrative delight, but it's also a visual feast. The artwork is stunning, boasting detailed characters, vivid colors, and beautifully depicted scenes. The animation complements the art, with fluid movements that make the action sequences captivating to watch. The design of the dragons, in particular, is a standout, each one uniquely designed with various shapes and sizes.

Web Presence

What's also worth noting is the anime's strong web presence. The official website of "Burn The Witch" offers an engaging user experience, with an aesthetically pleasing design and easy navigation. The site is a great resource for fans to stay updated with the latest news, episode releases, and character information. It's a testament to how important frontend development and web design are in promoting and supporting an anime series.

アニメ「BURN THE WITCH」公式サイト
アニメ「BURN THE WITCH」公式サイト。魔女、ドラゴン、リバースロンドン、2人の魔女が躍動。2020年、「BLEACH」の久保帯人が新たな物語を世界に放つ。2020.10.02 2週間限定ロードショー